History of Thieves

What does The Plague have to do with Thieves Essential Oil blend? 

Essential oils can be made in singles or blends. Blends, blend together different single oils for a specific purpose. Thieves doesn’t help you become a better thief

During the 1400s, when the Plague was rampant, authorities noticed that thieves were stealing items from the homes of the dead. Knowing that those who came in contact with someone with the Plague died also, authorities were puzzled at how the thieves were surviving their contact with this deadly disease.  Once apprehended, the thieves were offered a deal (or lighter sentencing) if they would reveal the secret to their survival. The story goes that these thieves were perfumers and spice traders who knew what to use to avoid getting the disease. Hence the name “thieves” was born.

Thieves supports our immune systems so well, I couldn’t imagine not having it around. Thieves oil is made from a blend of cinnamon, clove and rosemary essential oils. It has potent antimicrobial properties and has been found to have a 99.6% kill rate against airborne bacteria. According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference 3rd edition Weber State University conducted a study that revealed thieves “killing power against airborne microorganisms” after just 12 minutes of diffusing the oil!

Young Living has an entire line of cleaning supplies created with Thieves. Even cough drops and some other things not pictured here.

In my house I have diluted Thieves in a roller bottle and roll it on our feet morning and night to help support our immune systems. I use it in the diffuser when someone doesn’t feel well. . In the diffuser Thieves smells like an awesome tea, I love it!  If you are interested in Thieves, click here.

Happy Oiling!!

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